July 3, 2018

My Lipstick Adventure

Okay, today gue mau sharing mengenai lipstick! Yes, lipstick kesayangan gue yang memang hanya segelintir yang terasa cocok dan sesuai budget, maklum ga punya duit emak irit. Jadi sebisa mungkin pakai lipstick yang cocok dengan bibir, muka dan pastinya kantong. 😂😂😂

Here we go...

Sebelumnya gue pernah iseng pakai merk LA GIRL matte Flat Finish, yang cukup murmer. Awalnya gue tertarik karena banyak review yang bilang ini lipstick bagus dan cukup pigmented. Gue lihat shade nya lumayan lengkap juga. Kebetulan gue demen warna coral (nearly orange), jadi gue menjatuhkan pilihan ke Instinct. Di bibir gue sih warna ini cukup bagus, cuma kalo soal tahan lama nya sih, menurut gue sih abis dipakai makan langsung memudar banget. Jadi sepertinya cuma tahan 3-4 jam sih.

Next gue pengen punya warna yang lebih natural (nude), gue beli lah Dreamy. Nah yang satu ini entah beda di ingredients yang mana, gue ga tau. Yang jelas saat diaplikasikan agak susah merata. Apa mungkin memang tipe lip cream warna nude lebih susah diaplikasikan ya? Hasil sih cukup so-so, tapi ya sekali lagi, merasa too dry di bibir dan ga tahan lama. Dreamy gue belom fotoin deh.

Ini shades dari LA Girl Matte nya:

Karena gue merasa ga gitu cocok pakai lip cream, gue cobain juga lipstick LA Girl yang Flat Velvet.
Dari sekian colors, pilihan gue jatuh ke Frisky karena menurut gue agak mendekati orange. But surprisingly, begitu terima barangnya (maklum beli online), kok lebih ke pink daripada coral. Walaupun di muka masuk, tapi entah kenapa ga gitu suka lipstick yang warnanya nge-pink.

Sempat juga cobain Maybelline Velvet Matte Lipstick karena iseng liat warna coralnya cukup oke. Yang gue pilih swatches Matt 5. Hasilnya sih cukup OK, tapi sayangnya ga pigmented, jadi perlu di retouch tiap 2-3 jam. Warnanya sih sesuai dengan muka gue dan ga bikin bibir dry. Variannya cukup banyak sebetulnya, namun rata-rata warnanya pink dan red.

gambar dari www.heartbowsmakeup.com

Berhubung namanya cewe ya, hunting lipstick tuh emang tiada henti. Sempat juga iseng beli merk Nabi. Kali ini beli shades Orange Red yang mirip sama LA Girl yang Instinct. But somehow, you get what you pay for. Lipstick ini murah banget, cuma sekitar IDR 30.000 (kalo ga salah), tapi ya emang susah diaplikasikan. Selalu ga rata, dan dibibir itu sekali dipakai, susah di retouch karena bakalan belang-belang. Entah kenapa, gue ga merasa pas dengan lip cream ini. Jadi akhirnya ya ini lipstick nganggur deh. 

Akhirnya setelah bolak balik coba lipstick, jatuhlah pilihan ke merk NYX matte lip cream. Nah untuk yang satu ini, pencarianku (sepertinya) berhenti karena sudah menemukan yang cucok. Dengan harga sekitar IDR 70 ribu-an di Shopee or Tokopedia, hasilnya di bibir jauh lebih enak. Matte nya memang cukup bertahan, terutama untuk warna-warna yang dark red, kebetulan yang gue beli adalah Madrid dan Monte Carlo. Sementara untuk warna-warna natural, gue beli shades Stockholm dan Dallas. Gue ada beli Manila, but I think this one is too pinky.

Kiri bawah: Monte Carlo dan Stockholm
Kanan atas: Madrid dan Dallas

Overall gue udah cocok banget dengan merk ini, kemungkinan besar sih ga akan berpindah ke lain hati. Yang pengen gue coba selanjutnya adalah warna Cannes dan mungkin Copenhagen.  Aplikasinya tidak susah, cukup pigmented dari pagi sampai siang (apalagi jika tidak makan),  dan ramah di kantong. membuat banyak perempuan memilih merk ini. Seriously worth to try girls.

June 25, 2018

Review TISWIM Armbands and Belt Nabaiji

Posting hari ini, gue kepengen share tentang salah satu produk NABAIJI, salah satu swimming brand dari Decathlon. Ini sambungan dari posting traveling ke Singapore kemarin.
Berhubung saat ini Decathlon udah ada di Indonesia, store nya terletak di Alam Sutra, iseng-iseng sekitar bulan April gue coba datang kesana untuk cari aksesori renang buat anak. Pelampung ini cukup menarik, karena bentuknya yang armband-belt, membuat gue merasa aman kalau anak gue nyemplung dikolam menggunakan ini. Penggunaan yang disarankan untuk anak dengan berat 15kg - 30kg. Dan bentuknya begini:

website Decathlon Singapore

Pertama-tama emang gue lihat dari temen gue yang beli di Decathlon Singapore, and so with all hope that this item also available in Indonesia, rushly I went there. Tapi sayangnya, si mbak storekeeper bilang kalau item ini kosong dan karena udah limited banget jadi kalaupun masuk di Indonesia, cuma ada beberapa biji aja, dan kemarin langsung ludes dengan cepat. Entah si mbak ini ngomong beneran, atau emang item ini lagi not-available (like) forever di Decathlon Indonesia. Tapi saat ditanya kapan estimasi datang, semua storekeeper ga ada yang bisa kasih jawaban.
Agak kecewa sih, mengingat ini kan "katanya" most wanted item,.

Akhirnya karena penasaran banget, I decided untuk titip teman di Singapore. Luckily, gue ada rencana business trip ke Singapore. Jadi pas banget! I think universe is on my side. 😆
Karena schedule gue padat merayap, so I need to make arrangement to meet my friends near my hotel. Fortunately, I have wonderful, nice, and very very kind friends, who willing to bought this for me and I will pay her later after I meet her. Temen gue ini beneran baik, menyempatkan diri beli di Decathlon Bedok yang katanya si mbak, is the most complete store than other Decathlon in Singapore. Harganya juga ga beda jauh kata si mba, emang sih lebih mahal di Singapore. Dengan kurs SGD 1 anggap aja sekitar IDR 10.550, harganya adalah IDR 283,799, dibulatkan aja deh IDR 284,000. Not really cheap, compare to another local brands such as : INTEX.  😀

Tapi ya, sekali lagi, ada harga ada rupa. This product surely not disappointed. Once it in my hand, I'm not regret paying for it. It's awesome. Really love the design, material and the function. The inner surfaces are made of polyester for softness and comfort. The three ways of using them adapt to the child's level of comfort in the water.  Jadi ini pelampung, bisa dipisah antara armband dengan beltnya. Kalau anak udah gede, bisa ga perlu pakai armband. Ini dia foto aslinya. Keren maaakkk! Bahannya halus, dan fleksibel.

Then, the most happiest thing when my daughter looks amazed when she wore this armband. Bagusnya, saat anak gue pakai ini, kelihatan nyaman dan memang pas banget buat ukuran dia. Dia bisa tertawa-tawa sampai terkikik kikik saking senangnya bisa mengapung sendiri. Comfy to wear, and seriously, worth every penny.

June 22, 2018

Beware of Love Scammer, it's on Social Media. Waspada! Waspada!

Gue lagi pengen share pengalaman pribadi di sosial media belum lama ini. Jadi ceritanya, IG gue tiba-tiba ada orang luar yang nge-follow. Lama banget tuh ga gue confirm karena gue ngga kerasa kenal. Gue mikirnya, mungkin orang ini dapat IG gue dari IG yang gua follow supaya gue bisa belajar untuk "survive". Meskipun agak merasa aneh, tapi iseng gue confirm aja.

Once upon a day, itu orang message gue. Awalnya biasalah memuji ini-itu, yang bilang "beautiful", or "very nice" etc. Jujur sih, kalo orang baru kenal udah banyak umbar roman picisan  gitu, gue malas tanggapin. Gue bilang aja ga gitu suka, apalagi pas dia ada panggil "baby" dan "love you". Gue udah nyaris ga mau reply percakapan murahan kek gitu. Tapi suddenly ini orang say sorry dan mulai bicara normal. Ya udah gue balik ngobrol biasa lagi.

Orang ini bilang kalo dia adalah pediatric yang bekerja di WHO, tinggal di California (US), punya anak 3, dan istri passed away. Awalnya gue tertarik dong ngobrol dengan orang yang punya jobs di WHO. Secara dari dulu gue penasaran how it feels to works in NGO. Jadi gue lebih banyak ngobrol soal apa kerjaanya. Cuma yang gue mulai berasa aneh, dia ini jarang cerita rutinitasnya apa aja saat ga kerja. Looks like he have so many leisure time. Mengingat kalo gue lagi kerja or tidur dia bisa keep texting me, it seems like he has nothing to do. Trus kadang mulai suka minta foto, yang mana selalu gue tolak karena gue ga suka kirim-kirim foto ke orang lain. Apalagi dia sempat nanya-nanya harga mobil di Indo, trus kek mau datang ke Indo segala. Makin bikin gue curiga sih.

Suddenly ini orang cerita dia mau dinas di "Africa", nah gue pikir kan ini WOW banget. Asik banget kan satu team dapat "dinas" ke Africa begitu. Tau sendiri kan di Africa ini banyak tempat yang ga aman. Disana dia bisa cerita kalau tugasnya adalah visit-visit villages, and helping people who needs medicine. Sounds very noble person.

Then one day, ini orang menghilang seharian. Setiba-tiba besoknya dia chat ke gue kalo kena attack di village nya. Awalnya gue kasian dong, dia kasih foto kakinya memar-memar. Dia bilang dia fight back tapi tetap kalah, teman-temannya juga kena hajar dan semua kena rampok, no money, no HP, no ID. Dia chat ke gue lewat laptop hotel (katanya).  Trus ujung-ujungnya, dia bilang sudah ga mau lagi disana, dan pengen segera ke Indo visit gue. Sementara saat ini visa dia ke Indo segera dalam proses, but he has no money to pay the process. So he needs me to transfer $750 to finish the visa, and he will return it once he come to Indo.

Gue: .....    (kaget karena ini sungguh menipu sekali!)

Lama gue diem aja, gue ga reply chatnya. Langsung dia chat berkali-kali kenapa gue diem.
Gue bilang ke dia: kenapa ga minta tolong keluarga lu aja untuk pinjam duit dulu? Dia ga ada jawaban, malah tetep "Please, please".
Gue jawab lagi: kalo lu ga ada duit, better ga usah visit Indo, gimana mo bayar hotel dan ticket kesini? Jawaban dia aneh banget, katanya hotel sudah booking.
Ya tetep aja ga masuk akal buat gue yang udah berkali-kali ke luar negeri. Mana ada jadi tourist ga bawa duit? Ridiculous. Trus lu makan minta dibayarin siapa? - Ini logika nya aja ya, seandainya dia emang beneran datang gitu, gue sih ga sudi suruh bayarin dia punya akomodasi. 😂😂😂

Yang paling bikin gue ngakak, adalah saat dia kirim gambar VISA Indo (yang katanya sedang diproses tapi ga bisa diambil kalo ga dilunasi) dengan gambar.... PASSPORT Indo!
Maybe he thinks I'm so dumb and he can fool me? Jelas-jelas visa itu beda sama passport. Ini orang mau jadi turis apa mau pindah warga negara? Keliatan banget sih, dia asal ngecrop foto picture dan tempel di PASSPORT. Hal terakhir ini lah yang bikin gue langsung 100% yakin ini adalah scammer.
Sekedar info aja, ini orang bikin IG dengan foto-foto orang entah siapa, yang postnya ga lebih dari 10-15 picture, mengesankan good person, bapak sayang anak, punya pekerjaan asik, jadi kita tertarik untuk mereply obrolannya.

Nah... dari pengalaman ini, gue jadi lebih hati-hati banget nge-confirm account di IG. Kadang gue takut ini orang ambil-ambil foto acak dari orang yang dia follow, dan kemudian dia bikin IG sendiri dari foto-foto curian itu. Apalagi saat ini banyak orang (mostly korbannya cewe sih) yang desperately in love cari pasangan. Itu target yang empuk banget buat scammer-scammer cinta macam ini. Dari hasil browsing internet, scammer model ini cukup banyak saat ini, dan mostly berasal dari Africa. So if stranger people suddenly texting you, don't be happy. Please make sure he's not a scammer yang lagi cari mangsa.
Apalagi kalau tiba-tiba orang "baru" ini ada info : lagi business trip ke Africa, or apapun itu yang berhubungan dengan Africa. Red Alert! Kenapa mereka harus info mengenai "Africa" nya ini? Itu karena semua duitnya nanti pasti harus dikirimkan ke bank mereka di Africa. So ga mungkin kan kalau profile mereka berasal dari US or UK, tapi transferan mereka ke Africa.

That's my experience with the Social Media. Semoga sih ngga ada yang kena tipuan macam begini lagi. Utamakan logika, bukan kata-kata romantis. There's no such a thing if someone you just know, suddenly asked you to transfer money, and called it love. 

May 28, 2018

Being Alone Doesn't Mean Lonely

Sekedar kepengen sharing mengenai perubahan status gue saat ini. Problem dari status single tuh adalah banyaknya orang yang berpikir bahwa gue kesepian, or butuh kasih sayang. And so they try to playing around with me, asking some impolite questions just to see how I react. Mungkin kalo ditanggapi, ya berarti umpan kena, dan berlanjut dengan keisengan lainnya?

Basically sih, gue ngerasa those people really don’t understand that I choose this decision because I knew I won’t be happy If I stay. Jadi semua resiko yang ada, ya gue terima. Bukan berarti gue akan down dan harus mencari pengganti supaya bisa having fun. Salah besar!

There’s a good advice from a community for people with experience same as I do, “Cutting contact with toxic people will transform your life. At first, it feels miserable. Like you’re going cold turkey, from an addiction. But as time goes on, you come to discover that each passing day brings unexpected new blessings. You begin to develop self-respect, boundaries, and true friendships.”

When people make you feel unwanted, don’t leave to make them feel sad or guilty, they won’t. Leave because you no longer have a reason to stay. What is meant to be will end up good and what is not, it won’t. Love is worth fighting for, but sometimes you can’t be the only one fighting.  

Gue sudah memilih ini bukan karena ego gue. Jangan pernah bilang kalau seharusnya gue lebih sabar dan mengalah. Relationship was never about one side, it’s always both sides. Gue sih yakin banget, kalaupun gue mengalah, pasti ujung-ujungnya juga terjadi lagi. Wasting time and energy. Gue sadar, setelah gue mengajukan hal ini, pasti yang terjadi adalah pressure yang terus-terusan dari orang yang sakit jiwa macam dia. Tapi kan ga mungkin juga gue harus bertahan dalam suatu hubungan yang membuat gue terpuruk bukannya makin maju. Ga ada tempat untuk mengembangkan diri karena tidak pernah ada dukungan buat gue. Should I live that way? Relationship should enrich people, not make others feels smaller.    

But I must admit, that I also feel some sort of broken heart feeling lately, to the person that once  filled my emptiness. I MISS THE MOMENT WHEN I CAN SHARE ALL MY FEELING, BUT I KNOW IT'S NOT A GOOD THING TO CHASE SOMEONE THAT WASN'T NEVER MEANT TO BE WITH YOU. Sad but true. I better leave the memories behind and starts the new one.
Wise man said: "To feel complete, you don't need some one else. You just need to love yourself and listen to what your heart says." 

May 17, 2018

Late Post : Salted Egg Pork Ribs and Salted Egg Fish Skin

Actually, this is my late post from my visit in Singapore last month (on April). I went there only for 3 days, for business purpose. Since I’m not often visit Singapore (not really sure why I’m not so interest going around in there), I also arrange to meet my friends there in the evening.

We planned to have dinner in Kushikatsu Tanaka, Clarke Quay, around 7pm, but the funny thing, I lost when heading there. My boss gave me the wrong direction, instead of take the MRT, he said that by Bus is faster. But apparently, he forgot the Bus number, and so finally after going around from 1 Bus stop to another stop, we decided to take MRT. The things that I don’t know at that time, that I should take the Blue Line and get off in Fort Canning instead of take the Purple Line, and stop in Clarke Quay. The station and the restaurant quite far, and since I’m very tired because just get back from Expo, I take the taxi. The cost around SGD11, 5 minutes from Clarke Quay MRT Station. J  

This time, I also asked a favor from one of my friends to buy an armband-waistband in Decathlon Bedok (the price SGD 26.9) for my daughter. Since in Decathlon Alam Sutra this product never available and the shopkeeper said that in Decathlon Bedok, this stuff still has some stocks. Luckily, she’s very nice person, she bought it first for me, and I only have to repay her when we met. She even gave me discount, it should be SGD 26.9, but I only pay SGD 26. Awesome!  

The next day, I’m following the recommendation from one of my friends yesterday. She told me that the new menu in Far East Plaza (near Orchard MRT) is very famous for its Salted Egg Pork Ribs. This food stall named: New Station Snack Bar. And she said that this is must try dish. So, I search in goggle map for the location, and around 5.45 pm, I going there alone. 

Far East Plaza not far from Orchard MRT station, only walks around 10 minutes. This Plaza is not crowded; moreover, I don’t think it can be name as a Plaza. Its looks like ITC for me. J  

The restaurant located in 5th floor, and I could say this place have complete Chinese food menu, despite of the location seems like food stall in ITC Mangga Dua. The price is also affordable, mostly under SGD10. I only ordered Salted Egg Pork Ribs with Rice, and Tea. Total cost SGD 8. Crispy and well-done pork ribs, drenched in tasty salted egg yolk sauce, a very yummy dish. I love that the sauce is rich and extremely savory with a hint of curry from the curry leaves.

And still about salted egg, I also decided to buy salted egg fish skin. This snacks nowadays become very popular in Singapore because of the savory taste. Since I want to try various kind of fish skin, I bought 3 brands that well known in there, The Golden Duck, Fragrance and Oyu. I didn’t get small size of Irvins, so I cancel the order.

Overall, the taste was good. I actually love every dish or snacks with salted eggs topping. So For me, every brand were yummy J The Golden Ducks itself has spicy taste (and now Irvins also launching the new product, spicy fish skin). My Japanese friend doesn’t like it, but somehow I love it. This is the snacks that maybe I’ll looking for when I visit Singapore once again. I think I must spare larger space in my luggage for this. Haha…  

Finally, that’s my experiences for only 3 days in Singapore during my business trip. Very short time, but it’s enough for me. Since I went there only with my boss, sneaking time after working hour for a little bit happiness vacation is a precious moment. I’m glad my boss not the kind of killer type. Haha…

May 16, 2018

Been So Long....

Hai hai again!
Lama banget nih aku ngga update di blog. It's been many years I think. Bukannya ga mau nulis yah, tapi rasanya ga sempat aja. Padahal banyak banget hal yang terjadi in a past few years. Lots of up and down that I've been through. Pengen banget punya tempat cerita, tapi kalau urusan belum kelar, pantang deh di ceritain kemana-mana. 

In a glance aja deh... (dih kek bikin resume aja), many things happens that change my whole life. From bored life, colorful, desperate, broken heart, and finally move on. 

I've been completely free from my toxic relationship. Well, in my deepest heart, I knew it would happen someday, sooner or later. Though I tried so hard to hold that feeling, but in the end, something happened and makes me have to make my own decision. So here I am, free and happy mommy as should be.

Since my daughter on me now, I need to started thinking about her future. It seems like in the next year I have to put her on kindergarten. And as always, mommy always confuse where is the good and affordable school near office. 
At this moment, she still in the daycare weekly because someone disagree to put her monthly, though he didn't pay at all. Anyway, she's very good this few days, I can leave her in the morning without any additional drama (or fake cry). That's my girl! Love you my daughter!! 

I'm moving out to apartment. Still, I must saving a lot for my future. But at least I feel relieved. I can arrange my stuff as much as I like, can go anywhere I want. Yeah, my soul is single forever. 

I also moving to another company, with better salary off course (*wink). However, needs more efforts in this new company. At least I can make a decision better than in my previous company. And free internet also, for sure.

Finally my weight stable on 50-51 kgs. Something to celebrate, right? Yeah... no...

Now I learned how is Narc's people actually exist on earth. Thanks to so many great quotes in IG to make me strong and understand, that basically the best way to heal my soul is only one, go NO CONTACT with those screw people. The best taker ever. They don't mind to take anything for me without give anything back in return. That's hurt, so much, until I realize, it's their habit. Their ego. So if I feel miserable because of them, I lost.   

I'm in progress to move on. No more contact for unnecessary things. I don't need someone that only wants to be heard, wants me to help them, while when I'm in trouble, they're gone. Disappear in a second. What was that? Relationship non-sense. Wants me to be like what they want, but if I apply the same standard for them, they angry, blame-shifting. 
Beugh... wth, no more!  

Hmm... what else... nothing more... bottom line, I try to rearrange my life. To upgrade my self-confidence that ruined many years ago.
Hopefully everything could running smoothly...  *pray


My Newest Thought

Operasi Gigi Geraham Bungsu (Menggunakan BPJS 2020)

Hai semuanya, kali ini gue mau share tentang pengalaman gue operasi gigi geraham bungsu atas bawah, sebanyak 4 gigi. Yes, 4 gigi sekaligus! ...