October 23, 2014

People Who Create Their Own Drama, Deserve Their Own Karma

That proverb are very correct, believe it or not.  This proverb refer to one of my colleague worker (in fact this is my ex-boss). That woman truly annoying for me. Better if she doesn't exist in my world.
So the story was like the madame (that's what we called her) disappointed because her order doesn't work like she was expected. And the drama begin, she started yelling, and criticize me with impolite words. I don't really care about her, really I do. But still shocking about a woman who had 3 children have such a bad mouth and a worst habit. If she said I'm pretending to be fool, and became a real fools. Then I expect her children will accept the worst thing from what she done to other. I couldn't imagine, how can a person becomes such a worst person like that? So arrogant, so annoying, so heartless.

But anyway, now I decide not to involve in her orders. Because I became so emotional if I heard her voice, I'm consider about my child, I don't want to have grudge, it's bad for my health.

October 20, 2014

Seven Month of Pregnancy

Bulan ini usia kehamilan gw udah 7 bulan, dan ditandai dengan debay yang bergerak tanpa ampun. *lap keringat
Berat badan udah naik 10 kg *eaaaa...
Udah mulai males kemana-mana, tidur udah mulai sesak napas gara-gara ga bisa tidur miring. Tiap coba tidur miring, pasti tangan pegel-pegel. Ujung-ujungnya balik lagi telentang, dan sesak napas. My hubby laughing at me. Can't understand, why is that so difficult to change position of sleep. Uncomfortable part of pregnancy, or it's just me who really fools on sleep position?

Back to seven month pregnancy, as a Javanese people (or we can say, because I lived in Java, and came from Jogja) the tradition of mitoni or tingkeban still strong enough from both side (me and my hubby's family). So we decide to held the mitoni in a simple way. Actually we just want to praying together and eating with family. But unfortunately, until now,we still can't find out the catholic community's leader in my residence. So that I can invite our community to pray together. That's mean, we will only invite family, and it will not be held in Catholic way. Only get some food and eat together, to give thanks, also hoping I can give birth smoothly, and my child will always be healthy.

The problem is, I don't know how the mitoni ritual needs or how to simplified this ceremony. My mom said, the most important is gudangan (mix boiled vegetables). Meanwhile from mother-in-law, said that we must provide the Delima fruit. This one I'm not really sure, because some said it's a Betawi tradition, not Javanese. Anyway, the Delima itself very expensive, my hubby bought it for IDR 35.000 each, and we buy 6 pcs.

I'm so curious about the requirement of mitoni, so I browsing on Google, and here's the detail from http://jagadjawi.wordpress.com/2010/01/10/mitoni-ritual-untuk-tujuh-bulan-kehamilan/. It looks very complete.

1.   Bubur 7 macam :
Kombinasi 7 macam; (1) bubur merah (2) bubur putih (3) merah ditumpangi putih, (4)  putih ditumpangi merah, (5) putih disilang merah, (6) merah disilang putih, (7) baro-baro (bubur putih diatasnya dikasih parutan kelapa dan sisiran gula jawa).
Bubur putih dimakan oleh sang Ayah. Bubur merah dimakan sang Ibu. Bubur yang lain dimakan sekeluarga.
Bahan: Bubur putih gurih (dimasak pake santen) dan bubur merah (dimasak pake gula jawa); Bubur ditaruh di piring kecil-kecil;
2.   Gudangan Mateng  (sayurnya direbus) :
Bahan ; Sayur 7 macam; harus ada kangkung dan kacang. Kangkung dan kacang  panjang jangan dipotong-potong, dibiarkan panjang saja. Semua sayuran direbus.
Bumbu gudangannya pedas.
3.   Nasi Megono ; Nasi dicampur bumbu gudangan pedes lalu dikukus.
4.   Jajan Pasar ; biasanya berisi 7 macam makanan jajanan pasar tradisional.
5.   Rujak ; bumbunya pedas dengan 7 macam buah-buahan.
6.  Ampyang ; ampyang kacang, ampyang wijen dll (7 macam ampyang). Apabila kesulitan mendapatkan 7 macam ampyang, boleh sedapatnya saja.
7.   Aneka Ragam Kolo ;
Kolo kependem (kacang tanah, singkong, talas), kolo gumantung (pepaya), kolo merambat  (ubi/ketela rambat); kacang tanah, singkong, talas, ketela, pepaya. direbus kecuali pepaya. Pepaya yang sudah masak. Masing-masing jenis kolo tidak harus semua, tetapi bisa dipilih salah satu saja. Misalnya kolo kependhem; ambil saja salah satu misalnya kacang tanah. Jika kesulitn mencari kolo yang lain; yang penting ada dua macam kolo ; yakni cangelo; kacang tanah  +  ketela (ubi jalar).
8.   Ketan ; dikukus lalu dibikin bulatan sebesar bola bekel (diameter 3-4 cm); warna putih, merah, hijau, coklat, kuning.
9.   Tumpeng nasi putih; kira-kira cukup untuk makan 7 atau 11, atau 17 orang.
10. Telur ; telur ayam 7 butir.
11. Pisang ; pisang raja dan pisang raja pulut masing-masing satu lirang/sisir.
12. Tumpeng tujuh macam warna; tumpeng dibuat kecil-kecil dengan warna yang berbeda-beda. Bahan nasi biasa yang diwarnai

This is too much! So I skip a lot of them. LOL.
Beside, if I prepare all of the food, I'm pretty sure no one gonna eat this. It's a waste, right? Go green, no waste of food.
Anyway, my mitoni day on Saturday October 25, 2014. Hope it will coup the primary goal of the tradition itself : my pregnancy goes well, my child will be healthy and be a good person. 

My Newest Thought

Operasi Gigi Geraham Bungsu (Menggunakan BPJS 2020)

Hai semuanya, kali ini gue mau share tentang pengalaman gue operasi gigi geraham bungsu atas bawah, sebanyak 4 gigi. Yes, 4 gigi sekaligus! ...