April 2, 2014

Reward and Punishment

Good advise
Dunia kerja kadang susah dijelaskan dengan kata-kata.

Tapi seberat-beratnya, kalau ada kompensasi yang tepat, pasti para pekerja tidak mengeluh panjang x lebar x tinggi.
Apalagi kalau udah masalah dikejar omset. Wuih... sedunia dah!
Bos uda ga tanggung-tanggung kasih punishment untuk lembur sampai jam 11 malam, just like yesterday.
But the question is : Is it worked? 
The answer is simple : Sure did not!

Yang ada malah : para pekerja menjadi under pressure and starting to over load.
Mata ngantuk tapi bos masih sibuk ngoceh ga jelas. Peserta meeting yang kena setrap udah ga fokus mau presentasi apa. Bos ngga mau tau teteup aja ngomel.
So? What we achieve in this situation, actually?
Mostly : grumble and resignation letter, this is soon or later it will happen.

Boss didn't care, so does the staffs.
Why should we?
Did we get, let's say, 10% salary from their salary? (Their refers to : BOSS).
Sure we did not.
Then why should we fight for it? Non-sense.

If you can, just shut-down your computer and go home after 6pm.

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