November 17, 2015

Been So Long... There's Always Have Time for Everything

This is it! Finally I made hard decision to resign in my very previous company.
Why I did that?
Some says, it's a pity, since I've been there almost 9 years.
Yes, almost 9 years!

It's not a while, moreover, as you all know, my company is very well known for it's high turn-over. I should say, that's true. Since in the past 3 years, I found that sales division already have more than 10 person which choose to resigned.
Not sure what went wrong, maybe the management, or the bosses. Who knows, I'm not interesting to find out anymore. So far, I choose this not because of the work load, but mostly because I disappoint with the people.

So here's the story.

Since the first time I'm worked there, I had a manager who teach me and guide me all the job part nicely. For that, I appreciate his skill to teaching me. It's not easy to sharing knowledge and make new employee understand the job desc. But then, as time goes by, in the past 3 years, he become my colleague worker, and I'm handled his previous division. And that's when the problem started. Maybe, he saw me as a competitor, so he started to irritating me with his attitude, even though we're in different division now.

I thought at first, he tried to help. But long after that, I realize that he just have the post power syndrome. He can't accept me, as I'm the Head on my division and he's not. He can't let go what he had before. He still pretending he was the Boss, and I'm his staff. He interfere my decision, giving difficulties for me, instead of being helpful. He once threaten me, said that if "my performance" not good, someday I'll be kicking out from company. Helloooo!!! Who are you?? You're not even my bos. You're not the owner! You're just a crap person, who exposed post power syndrome. And you tried to judge my performance? FYI : 8 years ago, I was only level 1, and you level 3. Now I'm level 3, and you still level 3! So which one of us who didn't actually have good performance? Silly!

Anyway, since that words comes out from his mouth, I made a promise, one day I'll leave this company, and I will show that I still can live without it. I think he underestimate me so bad. Maybe in his opinion, I can't be anyone if I'm not follow his order. Sorry, I don't need your judgement, I don't need your approval to live my life. And I said now : EAT THAT SHITTY FROM YOUR OWN MOUTH!

And I feel relieve now, really I do...

Perhaps in the next month, I need to learn the new jobs harder since it's really different from my background in FMCG. But, it's the price I have to pay to find the new life, a new start.
I'm happy, cause God will guide me... I believe that.
Everything has it's own time to grow.

Matthew 7:7-8
7"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 
8"For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.

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