March 28, 2016

Ordinary is not an option, how to overcome Glossophobia?

Makin menua, makin merasa sepertinya gue hidup salah jalan.

Hidup gue terlalu ordinary. I'm too afraid to stand up for my own opinion. Maybe I have syndrome glossophobia, alias takut bicara di depan umum. That's suck! Really!
Gue lagi mikir, what makes me so nervous in front of people.

Glossophobia is the fear of public speaking. The word glossophobia comes from the Greek γλῶσσα glōssa, meaning tongue, and φόβος phobos, fear or dread.

People who suffer from glossophobia tend to freeze in front of any audience, even a couple of people. They find their mouth dries up, their voice is weak and their body starts shaking. They may even sweat, go red and feel their heart thumping rapidly. 

Beneran dah... penyakit satu ini sungguh merepotkan. Waktu gue seharusnya speak up, gue malah mengkeret. Memikirkan apakah pikiran yang mau gue utarakan ini sudah benar, apakah gue terlihat punya otak, atau sedangkal lubang di jalanan yang rusak. Too much thinking, and do nothing.
Gue lagi berusaha, how to overcome this problem. How to be a better person, by acting and speak up what's on my mind. Berat banget, apalagi kalau gue belum menguasai topik. Langsung tingkat kepedean mendekati 0, bahkan minus. Suara jadi shaky dan gue deg-degan serasa mo pingsan, Trauma apa ya, yang bikin gue jadi begini.

It can happen in the workplace where the manager experiences panic attacks at the thought of making a presentation to her superiors. It can happen at home where the job-seeker becomes emotionally distraught before going on a job interview. It can happen at a party where the possibility of meeting someone new is curtailed by butterflies in the stomach and sweaty palms. The thought of speaking in public can leave us frozen with fear. It can also cause us to miss out on many academic, social, and career opportunities.

So, harus gimana ya gue. Kok berat banget mengatasi ini. Some say, gue malah harus sering-sering bicara di depan umum. Aduh, mikirin itu aja uda keder gue. Ya ampun...

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